In addition, there are some factors that trigger skin inflammation, anything that dries out skin can aggravate atopic dermatitis, but it is especially triggered by soaps, detergents, perfumes, strong chemicals, as well as wool garments, temperature changes, hot baths, humidity, tobacco smoke, or dust mites.
Why is it good?
Oats, applied externally, are known for their dermatological properties. Oat extracts are used to make creams or oils for dry, sensitive, or irritated skin. They are emollient and regenerate and protect the skin from infections, providing smoothness and elasticity. These properties are attributed to their richness in polyunsaturated fatty acids, silicon, and mucilage.
Does it have other uses?
Oat straw and grains can also improve the mood of older adults and children. They are useful for treating depression, nervous weakness, exhaustion, and unwillingness to recover after a long convalescence.
Keep in mind
Here are some tips to help you care for delicate skin of children
- Clean their skin carefully so as not to disturb the skin’s protective acid mantle against infections.
- You do not need to bathe children every day with soap, especially newborns, as this can alter the acidic lipid barrier and predispose them to dryness and infection. For this reason it is that you cleanse the newborn’s skin and scalp only with warm water, and gradually incorporate scent-free mild soap.
- Room temperature should be neither too hot or too cold, be mindful of any drafts and noise.
- Pay attention to the skin folds (behind the ears, neck, armpits, and groin area) and do not over-look the area surrounding the umbilical cord.
- Dry the skin using a towel or cotton cloth, without too much rubbing.
- Perfumes, colognes, and other scented products are not recommended as they may cause an allergic reaction.
How is it used?
For skin care, oats are used externally as oatmeal poultices, applied on the affected area. You can find oats as ingredient in bath gel and body cream to improve dry and delicate skin. You can also use oat flakes and bran to prepare decoction (2 tablespoons of oat grains per 4 cups (1 liter) of water). This decoction can be ingested and used in a bath to soften and hydrate the skin, as it eases away tension. apply on effected area or on whole body. Don't scrub the delicate skin. After few minutes wash away with water.